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Govs Outdoors

Govs Outdoors is University Recreation’s outdoor adventure department. We offer indoor rock climbing at the Foy, guided outdoor trips, outdoor equipment rentals, and a low-ropes course for challenge, teambuilding and leadership programs. Our climbing wall has bouldering and top-rope climbing for all ability levels. Outdoor trips can be anything from a half-day float on the Red River to 在大峡谷进行为期一周的背包旅行,以及其间的一切. Adventurers who are just missing that one piece of, gear can rent everything from hammocks to backpacking packs. Groups can visit the Challenge Course to build teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Govs Outdoors aims to pro让所有学生都有机会扩展他们的技能,提高他们的自立能力, and their ability to work with a group while enjoying the experience of the great outdoors.  

 Trip Schedule  Trip Info Climbing Wall  Gear Rental  FAQs

Trip Information:

Govs Outdoors offers a variety of outdoor experiences. Some outings will be short, in and around Clarksville, some will be 过夜旅行,有些人会利用秋季和春季假期 3+ days of adventure. Govs Outdoors trips are cooperative adventures; participants will learn relevant skills throughout the trip and be empowered to contribute to the adventure experience. 

Trip Difficulty
There is a Govs Outdoors trip for everyone. All trips are open to newcomers, and none require prior experience, regardless of activity type. Certain trips, such as backpacking, do demand a certain level of physical readiness. Most individuals can meet these demands 无需额外的准备,但这是任何旅行的重要考虑因素. 如果你担心旅行中可能遇到的困难,请与 我们的工作人员在岩石或齿轮中心,他们会帮助你了解什么 expect. 

Specialized equipment will be provided and included in trip pricing. Some trips require 或推荐特定类型的服装文章,一般参与者会 already own, such as a dri-fit t-shirt. We may not be able to provide items of this nature, but we will work with you to find a solution.   

Trip Fees
旅行费用包括所有交通费、住宿费、营地伙食费、设备租赁费和其他费用 activity fees. The trip fee advertised is the fee each individual pays. 


大学娱乐中心保留因恶劣天气而取消活动的权利。 缺乏参与、自然灾害或情有可原的情况. Sometimes trip pricing includes outside reservation or activity fees; these fees are non-refundable.

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Summer 2024 Trips:

Trips for Summer 2024 will be announced soon. 

Learn what outdoor climbing is really like! Meet Govs Outdoors staff at the bluffs, and they'll set up the ropes, belay and give instruction. Kings Bluff is located right 这里位于克拉克斯维尔,是户外攀岩世界的绝佳入门之地. On the fence about one of our other climbing trips? Why not try out? The best part 是免费的吗(你还是要注册,这样我们才知道会有多少人来).


Dates: 9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26 & 11/16/2024

Price: FREE

Registration Deadline: 5 PM, the Friday before the trip

Requires Foy Center Climbing Membership


Register Here!

加入Govs户外探险团队,在美丽的红河上漂流 down the road in Adams, TN. The GOATs will provide boats and equipment, and some paddling instruction. This is a casual, relaxing float in a beautiful location. We intend to 独木舟,但如果你有冲浪板或皮划艇的经验,我们可以提供这些 as well.


Dates: 9/14/2024

Price: $20

Registration Deadline: 9/9/2024

Pre-Trip Meeting: 9/11/2024


Register Here!

学习如何骑越野两轮和样品一些克拉克斯维尔自己的山 bike trails. 这次旅行是为刚开始骑山地自行车的人和业余骑自行车的人准备的, but this class is not meant to teach you how to ride a bike. 


Dates: 9/28/2024

Price: $30

Registration Deadline: 9/23/2024

Pre-Trip Meeting: 9/25/2024


Register Here!

以一种全新的方式见证大烟山的自然美景! In this 背包探险,Govs户外将带你在烟雾中进行为期3天的徒步旅行. Vistas, meadows and mountains await. This is a suitable trip for anyone, including those who are new to backpacking.


Dates: 10/11 - 10/14/2024

Price: $150

Registration Deadline: 9/30/2024

Pre-Trip Meeting: 10/2 & 10/9/2024


Register Here!

在这次Govs户外探险中,我们将前往一个顶级攀岩区 near Clarksville. 杰克逊瀑布提供了高质量,方便的攀爬在一个美丽的 location. Govs outdoor在现场提供所有装备、装备和攀岩指导!


Dates: 11/2 - 11/3/2024

Price: $65

Registration Deadline: 10/28/2024

Pre-Trip Meeting: 10/30/2024


Register Here!


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The Rock at 365bet

Climbing at the Rock at 365bet requires a climbing membership. All y你需要做的就是在工作时间去参观岩石,接受免费的指导. Top-rope and autobelay climbing are available from 2-6pm Monday thru Friday. 开放抱石可以随时供攀爬成员使用.

岩石的特点是一个12英尺高的独立巨石和一个26英尺高的绳索攀岩墙 with two autobelay devices. Both the boulder and the wall have climbs suitable for total beginners and advanced climbers alike.  

No experience, no problem. Our staff is available during open hours to assist those new to climbing. New climbers will go through a short orientation to become familiar with the Rock's policies. All necessary equipment is provided for free. 

Belay Training

保护是指攀岩者站在岩壁上时管理绳子,并获得保护证书 is available to all climbing members. Belay certified climbers can belay each other and do not need staff assistance to top-rope. 

Belay classes are $5. Fall and Spring belay class schedules will be released on the 第一天上课,而夏季学期的课程将根据兴趣. Belaying is a critical skill in rock climbing. Our class will cover technique, equipment and some common errors to watch out for. Once you are fully belay certified, you can belay at the Foy without staff assistance.

JUMP SCARE '24! Halloween Dyno Comp!

We are bringing back our spookyween climbing event for another year! This Halloween, 下午2点至6点,穿上你最好的服装,在岩石上展示你的跳岩 skills! “动态”是攀岩中的一个跳跃动作,所以这个比赛将基于 on single-move challenges involving jumping from one hold to another. We will have dynos of all difficulty levels. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

No! 所有Govs户外项目都是为不熟悉的人设计的 with the activity type. That being said, you may find you are better suited to some activities as opposed to others. 我们鼓励你在旅行前尽可能多地问一些你能想到的问题 so that you can better assess your readiness to take on a new activity 

你应该根据你感兴趣的活动来选择旅行 what that activity’s challenges will be for you. 所有的旅行都会有自己的挑战元素,它们可能不是你想要的 initially think of. Many back包装工们发现他们并没有被步行几英里的体力挑战吓倒, 但在寒冷的天气里露营,吃的饭菜也比他们想象的要少. If you are unsure about the nature of any trip, ask Govs Outdoors Staff. We encourage you to welcome challenges, but ultimately, we want you to enjoy the adventure you choose.

It always depends. Most overnight trips will involve camping, but every now and then we will spend a night in a cabin or hotel. The best source of information is always going to be the Govs Outdoors Staff. Ask about the specific trip(s) you're interested in, and they will let you know what to expect. 

Govs户外旅行计划是考虑到学生,但任何有福伊会员资格的人 may register. 您的会员资格必须在您注册当天有效,并且在整个期间有效 trip. 

  • Full refunds will be granted under the following conditions: 
    • 由于天气、参与率低或其他原因,由政府户外部门取消的旅行 extenuating circumstances. 
    • 一次旅行是满的,有一个积极的等待名单,另一个参与者愿意参加 your spot. 
    • Cancellations 3 weeks in advance of the registration deadline. 
    • 家庭/医疗/个人紧急情况将由卫生部将逐案审查 Govs Outdoors Coordinator and Assistant Director.  
  • 在旅行登记截止日期前两周取消将符合条件 for a 75% refund 
  • 在旅行登记截止日期前1周取消将符合条件 for a 50% refund. 
  • 在行程登记截止日期前一周内取消将不符合资格 for a refund.

We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate dietary restrictions and food allergies. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Food options are always discussed at Pre-Trip Meetings. If you have a food allergy, you must let us know so we can take preventive measures.

It always depends. Almost all trips will have access to facilities at some point, but not constantly. A climbing site may have restrooms at the trailhead, but not in the climbing area. A backcountry trip may stop at a hotel during travel, but will have no facilities on-trail. However, even on backcountry trips, we prioritize sanitation, 必要时,我们会教参与者如何使用野外厕所.

请不要等到旅行前会议才开始准备您的旅行. The best people to contact are Govs Outdoors Staff. They have usually done the trip before, and can give you detailed information about how it went, what you’ll need, where people had trouble, etc. Our adventures are accessible to beginners, so the best preparation is mental. Depending on the trip, you may encounter new sources of discomfort, and being open to new challenges is part of the process.

All specialized equipment is provided. To us, this means gear that the average person cannot be expected to provide (i.e. climbing harness, backpacking packs, trekking poles). You will be responsible for personal items, such as clothing and toiletries, but not including specialized clothing such as a rain jacket. You will be expected to provide a bag to pack these items in, unless it is something like a backpacking trip.  

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